




Doctor Lauren Marino「Okay, just a few questions and then we'll let you go see your sister, ok tommy? 」

Tommy Jarvis「Is Trish okay? 」

Doctor Lauren Marino「The doctor said she's gonna be absolutely fine, she's just resting right now. 」

Tommy Jarvis「And my mom? Where's my mom? 」

Doctor Lauren Marino「Excuse me,who are you?」

Alex Rego「Yeah hi, detective webb, I'm detective Alex Rego, this is Dr.Marino from Wessex Children's Hospital」

Nicole Webb「Hello, Hi Nicole Webb.」

Doctor Lauren Marino「..Nobody told me you were coming.」

Alex Rego「Well this incident has been elevated to a state matter, detective whip, I'll get you up to speed in a moment, Well hello there…you must be Thomas.」

Tommy Jarvis「Tommy…Tommy Jarvis.」

Alex Rego「Well it's nice to meet you Tommy, we all understand you've had an extremely difficult, night.」

Tommy Jarvis「Has anyone seen Gordon?」

Alex Rego「Who's Gordon?」

Tommy Jarvis「My Dog, he…must be hungry.」

Doctor Lauren Marino「I'll make sure Gordon's fine and that he gets his breakfast okay?」

Alex Rego「Tommy we're also very sorry about your mother.」

Tommy Jarvis「What do you mean? Where's my mom!?」

Alex Rego「He doesn't know?」

Doctor Lauren Marino「I was just about to tell him.」

Tommy Jarvis「Where's my mother!?」

Alex Rego「Tommy I'm-」

Doctor Lauren Marino「Hello Tommy, my name is Lauren Marino, and I'm a child psychologist, do you know what that means?」

Tommy Jarvis「You work with crazy people.」

Doctor Lauren Marino「Well, sometimes but that's not why I'm here today, I Help kids your age after they've gone through something traumatic you, know something really bad? I'm here to help you, Tommy.」

Tommy Jarvis「Where's my mom? Dr. Laurie.」

Doctor Lauren Marino「Marino, but you can just call me Lauren okay? Don't think of me as a doctor, think of me as your new friend, I'm here to protect you.」

Tommy Jarvis「Is my mom dead?….Lauren.」

Doctor Lauren Marino「Detectives could I please have a moment with Tommy? Alone?」

Alex Rego「ofcourse doctor.」

Tommy Jarvis「My mom's dead too isn't she?」

Doctor Lauren Marino「I'm so sorry Tommy, but yes, she's gone….」

Tommy Jarvis「It was Jason, Jason killed all of them.」

Doctor Lauren Marino「Who is Jason? Tommy?」



E E V​ C K
t_session01.txt · 最終更新: 2019/09/20 18:33 by