


Patch Notes - 6.16.2020



EDIT: Patch is rolling out on all platforms now. Please be sure to download the patch and fully restart the game before matchmaking.

On Tuesday, the 16th of June, we'll be rolling out a patch for all platforms simultaneously.

This patch will be deployed in the evening in the US, 10PM Eastern US Time.

As with every patch day, as servers repopulate with players on the latest version, some matchmaking delays can occur. Make sure you have updated to the latest version once the patch is live, and completely restart the game. Support and Community teams will be standing by to monitor any potential issues.

**Patch 1.37 (PC, Xbox, PS4) Patch 1.04 (Switch) - 6.16.2020 - 10PM Eastern US Time**

  • Overall Car Improvements
    • Jason or Counselors Attempting to Interact with the vehicle (Interaction Lock).
    • Counselors entering and exiting the vehicle (Interaction Lock).
    • Jason throwing knives at cars no longer causes catastrophic rocket cars.
    • Jason morphing to the car no longer causes catastrophic rocket cars.
    • Catastrophic Rocket Cars are non-canonical and should be regarded as such.
  • Random Counselor
    • Players Should No Longer Spawn as Random Counselor (Unless Selected)
    • Players Should No Longer Spawn as Random Jason (Unless Selected)
    • Residual Issue: Some icons may not appear correctly in limited circumstances. This is a UI bug only, and does not affect the selection. Team is investigating.
  • Various 'Stuck Spots' and Hidden Spots Fixed
    • This includes but is not limited to Pinehurst Stairs.
  • Offline Challenge - Snuggle By the Fire
    • Tiffany Pathing Issues Resolved
      - Various Interaction Locks Fixed
    • Includes, but is not limited to:
    • Use of firecrackers
    • Entering/Exiting vehicle
    • Shooting Flare Gun
    • Multiple presses while using windows/doors
  • Various Exploits Fixed
    • This includes but is not limited to a recent vulnerability causing perk/CP resets.
  • Damage, Mask, and Balance
    • The team has monitored feedback present in the community regarding the mask removal as part of the kill process.
    • We wanted to adjust this in a way that would eliminate one or two hits being capable of removing the mask, while still preserving the effectiveness of perks and builds that took players significant time to develop.
    • We’ve shifted the damage values needed to remove the mask to make this process a bit more difficult, even for counselors with high stats and perks, but kept it in a range that will not alienate newer players.
      1. Removing the mask will still vary depending on counselor, perks, weapon used, and attack type.

      The team also would like to provide some insight into what the team is currently investigating. While the following items are under investigation, our next patch is not limited to only these items. These are high profile, community requested items, and the team is already in the investigation stage of identifying the cause and potential correction.

**Under Investigation for Next Patch Cycle**

  • Combat Stance - Various uses that manipulate stamina, “sliding” etc.
  • Health Spray Break Free Issue
  • Ability Unlock/Recharge Rate Toggle in Private Match


hotfix_20200616.txt · 最終更新: 2021/05/05 21:13 by wiki_admin