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hotfix_20180524 [2018/05/22 14:23]
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 # 2018年05月24日(木曜日) # 2018年05月24日(木曜日)
 +[[http://​www.f13game.com/​patch-notes/​May24th/​|Patch Notes]]
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 ## 翻訳 ## 翻訳
 +Jason Voorheesとしてのスキルをテストするには、キャンプクリスタルレイクのカウンセラー全員を10のユニークなシナリオのそれぞれでクリアします。\\
 +**__新しい遊ぶカウンセラー:Victoria Sterling __**\\
 +キャンプクリスタルレイクに到着する最新カウンセラーVictoria Sterlingの紹介!\\
 + - 4 \\
 +•運 - 8 \\
 +•修復 - 3 \\
 +•スピード - 4 \\
 +•スタミナ - 7 \\
 +•ステルス - 7 \\
 +•強さ - 2
 +**Legendary Perks**\\
 +[友情] XPゲイン\\
 +[Ice Cold]全体的な恐怖の軽減\\
 +[Level Headed]全体的な恐怖の軽減\\
 +[空間認識] VoIP距離\\
 +[Thick Skinned]トラップからの脱出\\
 +[イージーリスニング] - 無線近接率を10%~40%(1%~10%)増加させます\\
 +[モーターボート] - ボートの移動速度を5%~35%(1%~15%)増加させます\\
 +[Man at Arms] - 武器耐久力を5%~15%(5%~25%)増加させます\\
 +[私のお父さんはコップ] - 警察の到着時間を5%~25%短縮しました(5%~30%でした)\\
 +[静かなスイマー] - センス検出の確率を5%~20%(1%~25%)減少させます\\
 +[Lead Foot] - 車の移動速度を5%~20%(1%~25%)増加させます\\
 +**武器交換機能** \\
 +•Pickaxe \\
 +•Machete \\
 +**調整されたカウンセラーの武器の状態** \\
 +How to Playセクションの武器のステータスを表すピップは、より一貫性があるよう調整されたピップごとの値を持っています。\\
 +**違反システム** \\
 +去年の12月のパッチでは、プレイヤーがJasonの選考プロセスで持っていた問題のいくつかに対処するためにSpawn Preferencesに「発券」システムを導入しました。\\
 +このシステムを改善するために、このパッチにSpawn Preferencesを複数変更しました。\\
 +Spawn Preferenceシステムは、Jasonが手動で選択されていない場合にのみ、Private Matchesに影響します。
 +この機能は、[設定]>​ [キーバインディング]からアクセスできます。\\
 +**一般** \\
 +•新しい無料エモートが追加されました! Poppin '​ロボット。\\
 +•Intro / Outroの映画のカットシーンに、Jasonプレーヤーが装備している武器/​スキンが表示されます。\\
 +•雨が再び有効になりました。 [XB1] \\
 +•いくつかのキャラクター選択の悪用に対抗する対策を追加。 [PC]
 +•パート5 Jasonには、デフォルトスキン用の新しいカラーバリエーションが用意されています!\\
 +•パート7 Jason:+グリップ強度を+ Weapon Strengthに置き換えました。\\
 +•Jasonに加えられた以前の変更を反映するために、Strength 「Throwing Knives」のツールチップを改訂しました。\\
 +•Part 5 Jason'​s Shiftの不具合を修正しました。\\
 +**車両** \\
 +・Jarvis House\\
 +•Halfway Houseのドアの1つが外部からJasonによってのみ開けられた問題を修正しました。\\
 +•Bear Trapsが2つのキャビンに配置できない不具合を修正しました。
 +•How To Playセクションが更新され、Single Player Challengesが追加されました。
 ## 原文 ## 原文
 +**__New Game Mode: Single Player Challenges__**\\
 +Single Player Challenges, Friday the 13th: The Game’s newest playable game mode, is now available!\\
 +Test your skills as Jason Voorhees by clearing out all of the counselors in Camp Crystal Lake in each of the 10 unique scenarios.\\
 +Each level contains special cinematic kills that are available only in Single Player Challenges.\\
 +There are also multiple challenge objectives that are available in each level that can only be completed through proper planning and preparation.\\
 +Play as Jason in any way you like.\\
 +You may choose to be slow and sneaky for that suspenseful cinematic experience, or you may choose to brute force your way through, hacking and slashing!
 +There are also 30 new unlockable emotes that can be obtained in the Single Player Challenges!\\
 +Each Challenge has a reward of 3 unique emotes through the collection of these following skulls.\\
 +No Survivors Skull, XP Score Skull, and the Undetected Skull.\\
 +Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
 +**__New Playable Counselor: Victoria Sterling__**\\
 +Introducing Victoria Sterling, the newest counselor to arrive at Camp Crystal Lake!\\
 +Victoria has a level requirement of 42 and her stats are the following.\\
 +•Composure - 4\\
 +•Luck - 8\\
 +•Repair - 3\\
 +•Speed - 4\\
 +•Stamina - 7\\
 +•Stealth - 7\\
 +•Strength - 2
 +**__Legendary Perks & Perk Changes__**\\
 +**Legendary Perks**\\
 +A new perk rarity tier has been introduced! Legendary perks!\\
 +Legendary perks are now the rarest perks that can be obtained.\\
 +The perk values and traits are identical to Epic perks, but there is one big difference between the two rarities.\\
 +All Legendary perks come equipped with one extra positive trait!\\
 +These traits are predetermined and work in addition to the perk’s original traits. Here are the traits that are tied to each Legendary perk.\\
 +[Adrenaline Rush] Total Stamina\\
 +[Aquanaut] Avoid Sense While Swimming\\
 +[Controlled Breathing] Overall Fear Reduction\\
 +[Easy Listening] Total Stamina\\
 +[Escape Artist] Avoid Sense\\
 +[Evasion] Avoid Sense\\
 +[Firecracker] Melee Attack Speed\\
 +[Friendship] XP Gain\\
 +[Grease Monkey] Car Top Speed\\
 +[Grinder] Overall Fear Reduction\\
 +[Heavy Hitter] Weapon Damage\\
 +[Heavy Mover] Weapon Damage\\
 +[Heavy Sleeper] Decreased Sprint Noise\\
 +[Home Body] First Aid Healing\\
 +[Hypochondriac] Police Response Time\\
 +[Ice Cold] Overall Fear Reduction\\
 +[Lead Foot] Car Start Speed\\
 +[Level Headed] Overall Fear Reduction\\
 +[Lightfoot] Reduced Fear Penalites from Darkness\\
 +[Lone Wolf] Break From Grab Easier\\
 +[Low Profile] Increased Crouching Stamina Regen\\
 +[Man At Arms] Weapon Damage\\
 +[Marathon] Swim Speed\\
 +[Medic] Repair Speed\\
 +[Motorboating] Swim Speed\\
 +[My Dad’s a Cop] Increased Weapon Damage as Tommy\\
 +[Nerves of Steel] Less Fear From Dead Body\\
 +[Night Owl] Less Fear Indoors\\
 +[Potent Ranger] Avoid Stumble\\
 +[Preparedness] Crouch Speed\\
 +[Psychic] Hiding Spot Fear Reduced\\
 +[Pyro] Firecrackers Stun Radius\\
 +[Quiet Swimmer] Swim Speed\\
 +[Restful] Break Grab Stamina Boost\\
 +[Scout] Reduced Sprint Noise\\
 +[Slugger] Melee Attack Speed\\
 +[Sneaky] Stumble Reduced\\
 +[Spatial Awareness] Voip Distance\\
 +[Speed Demon] Sprint Speed\\
 +[Sucker Punch] Increased Melee Damage\\
 +[Swift Attacker] Increased Stun Time\\
 +[Teamwork] Police Response Time\\
 +[Thick Skinned] Ecscape From Traps Quicker\\
 +[Thrasher] Reduced Weapon Damage Taken\\
 +[Tinker] Boat Start Time Reduced\\
 +**Perk Values Adjusted**\\
 +The following perks have had their possible values adjusted.\\
 +[Easy Listening] - Increases the Radio proximity recharge rate by 10% - 40% (was 1% - 10%)\\
 +[Motorboating] - Increases the Boat movement speed by 5% - 35% (was 1% - 15%)\\
 +[Man at Arms] - Increases Weapon durability by 5% - 15% (was 5% - 25%)\\
 +[My Dad’s a Cop] - Reduces the Police arrival time by 5% - 25% (was 5% - 30%)\\
 +[Quiet Swimmer] - Reduces the Sense detection chance by 5% - 20% (was 1% - 25%)\\
 +[Lead Foot] - Increases the Car movement speed by 5% - 20% (was 1% - 25%)\\
 +[Aquanaut] Increases the Counselor’s swimming speed by 5% - 35% (was 1% - 15%)\\
 +**Perk Selection Screen Updated**\\
 +Perk rarity can now also be distinguished by a numbering system added to the perk graphic in order to assist players with color blindness.
 +**__Combat Update__**\\
 +**Weapon Swapping Feature**\\
 +A new option is now available in the Jason selection screen!\\
 +Players will now be able to equip different weapons on each Jason.\\
 +This feature unlocks for players at level 113 and will allow the swapping of the following weapons.\\
 +•Fire Axe\\
 +•Battle Axe\\
 +•Pig Splitter\\
 +All the grab kills tied to the weapons (including the DLC kills) will also be available through the swap.
 +**Jason’s Swing Animation**\\
 +All of Jason’s weapons have had their swinging animations adjusted to swing lower towards the ground.\\
 +This change should help prevent Jason’s swings from missing players that are on uneven terrain or crouching.
 +**Jason’s Grab Changes**\\
 +Jason’s grab has been updated with a new animation and sound effect.\\
 +These changes should more accurately represent the distance of Jason’s grab and also feel more gratifying when landing a grab on a counselor.
 +**Doorway Combat Changes**\\
 +We have made some adjustments to the way that combat works when there is a door in between Jason and a counselor.\\
 +Originally, players were able to initiate combat from both sides of a closed door.\\
 +This allowed counselors to time their swings and safely interrupt/​damage Jason during his process of breaking down the door.\\
 +Because of the way that combat works, there was little counterplay to these occurrences.\\
 +In order to combat this one-sided exchange, counselors will no longer be able to hit Jason through doors.\\
 +However, Jason will still have the ability to damage counselors that are standing extremely close to the door.
 +**Counselor Weapon Stats Adjusted**\\
 +The pips that represent the weapon stats in the How to Play section have had their values per pip adjusted to be more consistent.\\
 +In addition, the following weapons have had their stats adjusted.\\
 +•Frying Pan\\
 +•Fallen Tree Branch\\
 +•Baseball Bat\\
 +•Metal Pipe\\
 +•Cooking Pot
 +**__Matchmaking Changes__**\\
 +**Infraction System**\\
 +An infraction system has been added in order to combat issues with players prematurely leaving matches.\\
 +Players will now gain infraction points by performing any of the following actions in a Quickplay match.\\
 +•Leaving the match as Jason\\
 +•Leaving the match as the Host\\
 +•Leaving the match while still alive as a Counselor\\
 +•Leaving the match while in the process of being killed\\
 +Accumulating too many infractions points will place you in a low priority queue in matchmaking with other similar players.\\
 +These Infraction points are not permanent and will decay over time.\\
 +For more information about this system, please visit our official forums.
 +**Spawn Preference System**\\
 +In the December patch of last year, we introduced a “ticketing” system to the Spawn Preferences to combat some of the issues players were having with the Jason selection process.\\
 +To improve on this system, we have made multiple changes to the Spawn Preferences this patch.\\
 +The most noteworthy improvement is that this system is now tied to each individual player’s account.\\
 +This means that a player’s chance to be selected as Jason will now persist even after changing lobbies.\\
 +In addition, we have also made adjustments to the values in the preference system in order to provide players a fairer distribution of chances to become Jason.\\
 +The probability of a player being chosen as Jason is affected by their preference settings and also their recent amount of Jason games.\\
 +Playing as Jason too many times in a small timeframe will cause the player to no longer be considered as a candidate to play as Jason.\\
 +However, the player’s chance to be selected as Jason rapidly “recharges” over time and this system will have no long lasting effects on players.\\
 +For more information about this system, please visit our official forums.\\
 +The Spawn Preference system only affects Private Matches only when a Jason has not been picked manually.\\
 +**__Keybinding Support__**\\
 +Keybinding Support is now available on the PC for players using a keyboard and mouse.\\
 +This feature may be accessed through Settings > Keybindings.\\
 +**__General Changes and Bugfixes__**\\
 +•New Free Emote added! The Poppin’ Robot.\\
 +•Intro/​Outro cinematic cutscenes will now show the weapons/​skins that the Jason player has equipped.\\
 +•Rain has been re-enabled. [XB1]\\
 +•Fixed multiple issues related to the Sweater.\\
 +•Added countermeasures to several character selection exploits. [PC]
 +•Part 5 Jason has a new color variant for his default skin available!\\
 +Note: Bloody skins for both the blue and green color variants have identical level requirements.\\
 +•Part 7 Jason: Replaced +Grip Strength with +Weapon Strength.\\
 +•Part 7 Jason: Replaced -Shift with -Stun Resistance.\\
 +•Fixed an issue where stun damage would not cause Jason’s mask to fall off even after Jason has hit the HP threshold.\\
 +•Reworded the tooltip for the Strength “Throwing Knives” to reflect previous changes made to Jason.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where the throwing knife crosshair would sometimes become stuck on the screen.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where the player could sometimes become unable to move after being hit during the grab animation.\\
 +•Adjusted the animation for Part 4 Jason’s weapon to properly align with his hands during door / wall destruction animations.\\
 +•Fixed an issue that was causing some of Jason’s weapons to not become bloody.\\
 +•Fixed a bug with Part 5 Jason’s Shift ability having an incorrect recharge rate.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where Jason would have the incorrect stun animation when shot by a flare gun.\\
 +•Fixed a bug that prevented Jason from breaking a phone box that has been repaired multiple times.
 +•Killing Jason will now grant XP when the Jason player quits after the kill sequence has been initiated.\\
 +•Bear Traps are no longer able to be placed inside tents.\\
 +•An equipped item that is being swapped out with another item will now attempt to locate the best available spot to be placed (i.e., the ground).\\
 +Note: This was to address the issue with players being able to stack items infinitely on top of each other until an item becomes unreachable.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where the Bear Trap arming animation would continue to play when the Bear Trap is triggered prematurely.\\
 +•Fixed a bug that was giving counselors too many attempts at triggering Jason’s vulnerable state during the sweater stun kill sequence.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where the phone calling animation would continue to play when the player has stepped into a Bear Trap at the same time.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where if a Counselor starts calling the police and steps into a Bear Trap at the same time, the phone would continue to fly around like a spooky ghost while the Counselor attempts to escape the Bear Trap.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where the emote wheel persist on the screen after the player has been killed.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where the player could become interaction locked by spamming the interact button on the phone while Jason is destroying the phone box.\\
 +•Fixed a bug where placing Bear Traps in certain locations would sometimes launch the player into the sky.\\
 +•Fixed a bug that caused the player’s fear effect to persist during the outro cinematic.\\
 +•Fixed an issue that caused the map to drop as an item when the player is killed in certain hiding spots.\\
 +•Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect animation to play when certain Counselors would direct hit a wall with the Baseball Bat.
 +•Fixed an issue with the Slugger perk that caused the spawned baseball bat to have incorrect stats.\\
 +•Fixed a bug with the Teamwork perk that caused the attack strength decreased to not work properly.\\
 +•Improvements have been made to the way that cars are affected by physics.\\
 +•Improved car handling by changing the cars to front wheel drive (instead of rear wheel drive).\\
 +•Added an small invincibility frame for the brief period when a counselor is exiting a car.\\
 +•Fixed an issue with cars becoming “jittery” or unstable after reaching top speeds.\\
 +•Cars have had their brakes improved. Cars can now come to a full stop more quickly and using the hand brakes allows a player to “drift”.\\
 +•Added countermeasures to prevent Counselors from standing on top of cars.\\
 +•The rear view camera that is available while driving in reverse can now be accessed at any time while driving by holding down the Rear View button (Default: R, Triangle, or Y).\\
 +•Fixed an issue that was causing the vehicle starting animations to not play.
 +Repair Parts dropped into the lake should now respawn by the shore more consistently across all maps.\\
 +Regular doors (that do not have a barricade attached) can now be locked/​unlocked from both sides.\\
 +Added blockers to the cemeteries to prevent cars from traveling through.\\
 +Addressed several exploit locations across all maps.\\
 +Addressed several locations across all maps in which the environmental kills were inaccessible or not working properly.\\
 +Drawers will no longer have an extended collision volume once they have been opened.\\
 +Adjusted lighting throughout the multiplayer maps.
 +・Jarvis House\\
 +•Made adjustments to several cabins to prevent Repair Parts from spawning in an inaccessible location.\\
 +•The lights in the Vacation House will now be properly disabled when the corresponding power box has been destroyed.
 +•Fixed an issue where one of the doors in the Halfway House could only be opened by Jason from the outside.\\
 +•Addressed an issue that caused some of the shorelines to have an incorrect collision which prevented players from exiting the water in those locations.\\
 +•Fixed a bed that was missing an interaction button Changed the date that appears in the opening cinematic cutscene from 1986 to 1989.
 +・Crystal Lake\\
 +•Fixed a bug where Rob would sometimes appear bloody in the opening cinematic cutscene.
 +•Fixed a bug that prevented Bear Traps from being placeable in two of the cabins.
 +•General improvements made to AI behavior.\\
 +•Improvements with AI interaction with vehicles.\\
 +•AI will now make an attempt to interact or avoid Jason’s traps.\\
 +•AI will now be able to place Bear Traps.\\
 +•AI will now turn on radios as a distraction.\\
 +•The difficulty setting in Offline Bots will now affect the bots in the following ways.\\
 +Ranged accuracy\\
 +Weapon pickup preferences\\
 +Item location awareness\\
 +Starting items and preset perks
 +•Fixed an issue that was causing the vehicle starting sounds to not play.\\
 +•Fixed an issue that was causing the car braking sounds to not play for the driver.\\
 +•Cars braking in reverse will now play the appropriate sound.
 +•The Controller Bumpers should now scroll in the right direction when in the Jason selection screen.\\
 +•The How To Play section has been updated to include the Single Player Challenges.
hotfix_20180524.txt · 最終更新: 2019/10/14 14:57 by