# Patch Notes - Switch Update 1.03 [[http://forum.f13game.com/topic/27928-patch-notes-switch-update-103/|Patch Notes]] ___ ## 翻訳 ___ ## 原文 EDIT: The patch is now LIVE! The Switch Patch 1.03 has been completed. We will have the patch available for download on Monday, 3.30.2020 (roughly noon Eastern US time). The patch is essentially the Switch version of our last patch on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. We have included some Switch-specific fixes for Interaction Locks and a few Stability Improvements. FULL PATCH NOTES: - FIXED: An issue causing Environmental Kills to record a kill, but leave the counselor in game, creating stuck lobbies and excessive kill counts. - FIXED: An issue with the drawer upstairs on Pinehurst that would cause the counselor to become stuck if interacted with. - FIXED: A problem with super lazy bots on Jarvis House Offline. They are now motivated and will move about as normal. - FIXED: An issue that would render a door unusable if two counselors interacted with the door/barricade at the same time. - FIXED: Various game crash issues. - FIXED: Various car interaction fixes, specifically counselors interacting with the car (fixing, starting, etc). - FIXED: Various counselor stuck spots have been resolved. - OTHER: Private Matches now include control over more of the in game settings. - The modifier for “Ability Unlock/Recharge Rate” for Jason is currently only Recharge Rate. The Ability Unlock speed aspect of this will be implemented at a later date. - These controls allow players to tweak private match settings to many varying degrees and some unexpected behavior can be seen depending on the variables selected. While players should expect some instability when altering these settings, the community can also report any unexpected behavior to JasonKillsBugs.com - SWITCH: The team identified and resolved a few Switch specific Interaction Lock events - SWITCH: The team included various stability fixes to help with performance. As always, please make sure to update as soon as the patch is live. Matchmaking may see increased times on patch day, while everyone gets on to the same version. This is normal and should improve over the hour following the patch. Please do let us know if any matchmaking delays persist into the evening.